Jumat, 09 Desember 2011

About Hepatitis B

Hepatitis B is a liver disease caused by Hepatitis B Virus (HBV), Hepadnavirus which can cause acute or chronic inflammation of the liver are in a minority of cases may progress to sirosi liver or liver cancer. Treatment of hepatitis B more and more developed by various countries and became one of the World Health Organization's attention.

The cause of hepatitis was not merely a virus. Drug toxicity, and exposure to various chemicals such as carbon tetrachloride, chlorpromazine, chloroform, arsenic, phosphorus, and other substances used as medicine in the modern industry, can also cause hepatitis. These chemical substances may be ingested, inhaled or absorbed through the skin of the patient. Neutralize toxins circulating in the blood are the liver works. If a lot of toxic chemicals that enter the body, the liver can be damaged so that it can no longer neutralize the other toxins.   

Hepatitis B virus interfere with liver function and activate the immune system, which produces a specific reaction to combat the virus. As a consequence of pathological damage, the liver becomes inflamed. A small percentage of infected people can not get rid of the virus and become chronic infections. If there are people who are undergoing treatment of hepatitis B in a state like this, should be wary because these people are at high risk of death from liver cirrhosis and liver cancer. (From :turunberatbadan.com)

Kamis, 08 Desember 2011

Effect of Sleep Quality

Good quality night's sleep can reduce stress, produce new energy. enhance the body's ability to burn fat / lose weight. During sleep, the body metabolize carbohydrates efficiently for use as a source of energy. Poor sleep habits cause hormonal imbalance that affects the body's metabolism.

"Lack of sleep disrupt metabolism and cause fat deposits to increase, and the effect is weight gain," he said. "Lack of sleep triggers hunger and increase appetite. In fact, not infrequently provoke emotional hunger." 

Efforts to improve the quality of a good sleep is to sports. Exercise increases the chances of sleeping soundly, by pressing the stress hormones in the body. These conditions cause the blood vessels relax, thereby lowering blood pressure.

Minggu, 25 September 2011

Prostate Disorders

Men who have frequently complained about the elderly can not help urinating. The desire to urinate, especially at night, continue to emerge. The symptoms to look out for. Moreover, when the urinary frequency is high enough and accompanied by other symptoms, such as urine tough it out and it hurt.
Many elderly men who experience these symptoms. After inspection it turns out to crash on his prostate. This disorder is experienced by the majority of men aged over 40 years.
The prostate is a male sex gland located below the bladder and surrounds the urinary tract (urethra). The size of this organ for hazelnut seeds with diameter of four centimeters. Increasing age, the size of the prostate will be getting bigger. In men aged 25-30 years the prostate reached maximum weight, about 25 grams.
The prostate plays an important role in producing the seminal fluid. There are several problems that often occur in the prostate. According to some references, about 90 percent of men aged 40 years and over experiencing problems in the form of an enlarged prostate gland. This is commonly called benign prostatic hyperplasia or BPH (benign prostate hyperplasia).
If interference occurs, must be addressed immediately because it can progress to inflammation of the prostate. And if not well treated, can become cancerous prostate. This can occur if the intake of foods containing beta-carotene, lignans, and vitamin E, low.
In the early stages, prostate disorder characterized by pain in your lower abdomen when to stop urinating. The pain is to cause a cold perspiration.
Other symptoms are less smooth flow of urine and incomplete. So the desire to urinate high. In the 10-20 times a day and night could urinate. Then the fever and body weight dropped drastically. These symptoms usually appear after a disturbance in the prostate gets worse and develop into inflammation of the prostate (prostatis).
To avoid disruption of the prostate, men aged 40 years and over need to pay attention to some of the following:

1. Running a healthy lifestyle. The simplest way is to eat fruits that contain antioxidants that are important to the prostate, such as tomatoes, avocados, and nuts.

2. Inadequate needs essential fats. Omega-3 fatty acids, and minerals zinc can reduce symptoms of prostate disorders. Foods that are rich in catechins, particularly epigallocatechin gallate (epigallocatechinsgallate), selenium, sulforafan, and vitamin C boosting the immune system and eliminate toxins trigger cancer (carcinogenic). Not only that, these substances also increase the formation of enzymes buster tumor cells and cancer, including prostate cancer.

3. Frequently eating cabbage. Some research says that men who frequently eat cabbage are less at risk of getting prostate disorders.

4. Check with prostate health to the doctor regularly. This is to anticipate the emergence of disorders of the prostate.

About Clavus or Athlete's Foot

Clavus or athlete’s foot is a thickening of the skin that usually arises on the surface of the foot, due to continuous pressure and friction on the foot. Besides the comfort, the clavus is also associated with one another disease, one of which is a nerve disorder. Therefore, the clavus need to be handled appropriately.
According dr. Irawati Hawari, Sp.S, neurologist from the Mental Health Center Hawari &Associates, Jakarta, clavus occur due to nerve abnormalities of blood vessels. Symptoms, chronic pain and injury. Sometimes, this pain caused by peripheral nerve disorders. Eyelets can also be an illness that can result from diabetes.
Meanwhile Riani Susanto, ND, CT, naturopathic in Jakarta, causing the clavus, among others, is the foundation of unequal weight. It could also be due to streptococcal bacterial infection and alkalinity of the body out of balance.
He therefore suggested to maintain the levels of acid-base balance with vegetable juice. Avoid greasy and sweet foods. Apply tree oil or vitamin E mixed with the crushed garlic. After ward, use 100 percent cotton socks.
To prevent the clavus to dawn, wear shoes with good cushioning your feet, keep your ideal weight, and select the appropriate footwear.

Selasa, 09 Agustus 2011

Knowing Elephantiasis

Filariasis is an infectious disease (Elephant Leg Disease) caused by filarial worms transmitted by various species of mosquitoes.This disease is chronic (chronic) and if not treated can cause permanent disability in the form of enlargement of the legs, arm sand genitals of both women and men. As a result patients can not work optimally even dependent on others.
A person can be infected or infected with the disease elephantiasis if the person is bitten by an infective mosquito is a mosquito-containing III-stage larvae (L3). Mosquito gets a small filarial worms (microfilariae) while sucking the blood of patients or animals containing the microfilaria reservoir containing the microfilaria. Transmission of the disease cycle kaiki this elephant through two stages of a development in the mosquito (vector) and the second stage of development in the human body (host) and reservoair.
Mass treatment of endemic areas carried out by using drugs Carbamazine Diethyl citrate (DEC) combined with Albenzol once a year for 5 / 10 years.

About Diarrhea

Diarrhea is a disease when patients experience frequent bowel movements and still have excessive water content. Diarrhea is the most common cause of death for children under five, killing more than 1.5 million people per year.
Until now, diarrhea remains a major cause of stomach illness and death in infants and children. Currently morbiditasi (illness)diarrhea in the World is still at 195 per 1,000 population and this figure is a figure that is still very high.
Diarrheal disease in infants and children, obstruct the development of the child which may ultimately reduce the quality of life of children in the future.
Diarrhea can cause death. Death is caused, because the loss of body fluids due to dehydration electrolyte. Then, it is known that bacteria cause diarrhea and vomiting is Vibrio Cholera El Tor biotype and in accordance with the name of the cause is the occurrence of outbreaks often occur at that time was more popular with the term El-Tor Cholera outbreak.

About Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF)

Disease Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is a disease caused by dengue virus is transmitted through the bite of Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus, which causes disturbances in capillary blood vessels and the blood clotting system, resulting in bleeding-bleeding.

The disease is commonly found tropical areas like Southeast Asia, India, Brazil, the United States including in all corners of Indonesia, except in places a height of more than 1000 meters above sea level. Physicians and other health workers are often wrong in the diagnosis, because the initial symptoms resemble flu and other diseases such as typhoid (typhoid). The disease is transmitted through the bite of Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus.