Rabu, 27 Juli 2011

About Vitamin A

Vitamin A is one of the micronutrients needed by the body. Vitamin A is useful to increase body resistance(immunity) and eye health.
Vitamin A deficiency can cause a person susceptible to disease or infection. Children who suffer from lack of vitamin A, when stricken with measles, diarrhea or other infectious diseases, the disease will get worse and can lead to death. Infection will inhibit the body's ability to absorb nutrients and at the same time be completely eroded store of vitamin A in the body. Lack of vitamin A for long periods will also cause interference with the eye, and if children do not get immediate vitamin A will result in blindness.
Vitamin A can be obtained from milk or foods of animal origin (milk, chicken, liver, eggs) or from green vegetables from red and yellow fruits (mango, papaya)
In an emergency, where food has become very limited natural resources, supplementation of vitamin A capsules to be very important to increase body resistance against diseases.

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