Senin, 18 April 2011

Alternative treatment for side effects of excessive masturbation

Masturbation is a common practice for men and women of all ages. It is mainly associated with puberty age, but for some people it remains a steady habit. Nothing seems to be wrong with this practice. More than that, it even has its advocates that claim it is healthy for the human body. However, even its most determined advocates admit that if it becomes excessive it jeopardizes one's health.
Over masturbation in men is very dangerous and has terrible side effects. They include sexual weakness, premature ejaculation, sexual leakage, erectile dysfunction, tiredness, back pain, testicular pain, hair loss and even malfunctioning of the liver. Over masturbation or excessive hand practice creates hormonal imbalances and vitamin and minerals deficiencies in the body. Many men have no idea what excessive means when it comes to masturbation and they just notice the occurrence of bad effects.
Fortunately, there are many herbal remedies to reverse the bad effects of over masturbation. They repair the damage that has been done to your reproductive system and they restore your sexual health. Efficient herbal remedies not only end the bad effects of excessive hand practice, but also make you more energetic and increase your vitality, sexual power and stamina. Shilajit is one of the mot famous herbal remedies for over masturbation. Its properties are helpful in many conditions and disorders. It has amazing rejuvenating and anti-aging properties.
There are also other ayurvedic herbs that reverse the bad effects of excessive hand practice. Their efficacy is based on the fact that they provide important nutrients to the body, they normalize hormones and they increase blood flow. It is good to find an herbal supplement that contains a blend of ayurvedic herbs because combining them might increase their efficacy. Butea Superba is an herb of Thai origin, also renowned for its curative properties in what concerns the bad effects of over masturbation. It is also known for the fact that it is used as a male organ enlarger.
Regardless the herbal remedies that you decide to use, one thing is for sure: no herbal remedy will be capable to reverse the bad effects of over masturbation totally and permanently unless you give up this habit. If you do, your body will slowly recover, but if you don't, you will only worsen your condition. A healthy lifestyle is also important when you want to stop the bad effects of excessive hand practice. Eat properly, rest enough and drink plenty of water. Do everything you can not to over masturbate. Spend time with friends and family and practice relaxation techniques if the have good results on you. (Author : James Napier)

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