Jumat, 22 April 2011

Maintaining dental health to reduce heart attacks

Brushing your teeth can reduce the risk of recurrence of heart attacks. Research University of London said, individual oral hygiene care is less good, easy to breed bacteria, and has a risk of heart disease 70 percent higher when compared with those who diligently brushing.

Lead researcher University of London, Professor Richard Watts and his team, analyzing more than 11,000 adults, including history of disease, heart disease (related to the family element), blood pressure and blood samples, the pattern of daily living habits such as smoking and physical activity. In addition they also record the oral care, including frequency of visits to the dentist and brushing teeth. All this is included in the analysis and research.

The results showed, those who regularly once every 6 months visit to the dentist, there are 62%; the brush teeth twice a day have 71% good mouth health and those who rarely brush teeth compared with those who brush your teeth 2 times a day, the risk suffering from heart disease increased by 70%.

Overall, despite the risk of heart disease is very low, but people who lack good mouth hygiene, found in inflammatory markers such as detection of C-reactive protein (CRP) and Fibrinogen showed positive.

The researchers found that poor oral health and bleeding of the gums will carry 700 kinds of bacteria into the blood. These bacteria can stimulate the immune system, so that the resulting inflammation of blood vessel walls and become narrower, or directly attached to the existing fat in the blood vessels, causing blood vessels to narrow, then there was heart disease.

Professor Watt concluded, "Our results prove and strengthen the oral health relationship with cardiovascular disease risk. In addition, the detection of inflammatory markers is a simple way of reply to ensure oral health is not healthy. "

He added, "For the future research necessary to ensure oral health connection with cardiovascular disease, whether a causal relationship or simply as a marker of risk only."

However, a toothbrush can not only maintain oral health, also have preventive effects against various diseases. And brush your teeth need to be done carefully and be patient. The results showed most adults brush their teeth less than 45 seconds, so it can not achieve the effect of cleaning the mouth and gums.

The correct way to brush your teeth takes between 2-3 minutes, carefully clean the remaining food is left in between teeth and gums, but it needs to provide a gentle massage of the gums, can only really achieve the effect of cleaning teeth and prevent the occurrence of disease

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