Senin, 18 April 2011

Three Benefits of Diet Prevents Cancer

It is known to all that unhealthy diet can seriously endanger the physical health of the human body. Many people want to know the effective ways of preventing cancer. According to the experts, cancer is always resulted from the unhealthy diet. Therefore, it is important for people to understand some dietary skills to prevent cancer in daily life.
The first skill is to avoid excessively salty food in daily life. If the intake of edible salt and pickle is decreased and the intake of vegetables and fruits is increased, the rate of getting gastric cancer will also be reduced effectively. Nitrite is the serious killer of causing tumor among us. Various foods like stale vegetables all contain this kind of substance. In common situations, the nitrite contained in the daily diet will not endanger the human health. However, the excessive intake of the substance can threaten the human body. In addition, the intake of too salty food can hurt the mucous membrane of the stomach.
The second skill is to decrease the intake of the refined food. The content of cellulose contained in refined food is relatively low. Cellulose plays an important role in maintaining the physical health for us. It can absorb much water, accelerate the intestinal peristalsis and improve the defecation so as to prevent the formation of intestinal cancer. The foods like coarse food, celery and agaric all contain abundant cellulose. However, the intake amount of cellulose must be moderate each day, as the excessive intake can affect the absorption of other nutrients inside the human body. The physical weight of the human body can also be affected at the same time. People can absorb 10 to 30 grams of cellulose every day.
The third skill is to decrease the intake of the oily food. According to the research, the excessive intake of oil and animal protein can increase the risks of getting colorectal cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer and pancreatic cancer. The oil-fried food in high temperature can produce the substances like benzopyrene and acrylamide, which keeps a close relationship with the formation of lung cancer among women.
Except three dietary skills mentioned above, some other advice can also help people prevent cancer effectively. For example, the intake of meat should be decreased. The obesity should be avoided as far as possible. In addition, the intake of the foods like cabbage, garlic, apple, mushroom and corn should be increased in our daily life.

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