Despite its name the snakepox, the disease is not caused by a snake. Snakepox are common names for the disease Herpes Zoster. This disease is a form of reactivation disease chickenpox (varicella) who had suffered one before. Please note, if a person exposed to varicella-zoster virus infection for the first time, it will arise chickenpox disease. After recovery, the virus does not disappear entirely from the patient's body, but dwells in the patient's body, precisely in peripheral nerve ganglion sufferer. The virus that resides in the patient's body may reappear at any time and cause a disease called Herpes Zoster. Although there is a virus in his body, but most people do not experience disease Herpes Zoster. This is due to good body resistance that can suppress the virus is evolving. Conversely, in people who durability are declining, not infrequently the disease suddenly appeared to attack. Symptoms that occur in this disease is initially similar to chickenpox, the fever and body feels sore. Furthermore, slightly different from the chickenpox disease, although the same virus that causes it.
In the Herpes Zoster, bubbles appear in a group that resembles the line width on the basis of skin redness, which emerged from the back of the body and spread toward the front on one side of the body. Perhaps because the picture of disorder that such a picture of this snake, then there is called a snakepox. Actually, these bubbles can appear anywhere on the body, including the face, but most often from the back to the chest. There is a myth that says, if a row of bubbles emerging from both sides of the body, and both ends meet, it will be fatal consequences. This myth is not appropriate, but there are elements of truth here. Clearly, the rows of bubbles are generally appear only on one side only. When it comes to appear on both sides, meaning infectious disease is severe, and durability of the patient's body in a state of very weak and bad. Surely such a physical condition that it does have risks that can be fatal. Although rare, such cases can be found in patients receiving immunosuppressant therapy (suppression of the immune system) in long-term high doses or in people with HIV / AIDS.
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