Selasa, 19 April 2011

Knowledge Of Migraine

Many women who suffer from migraine disease.Migraine is a disease that attacks the brain andcause pain both physically and emotionally. The causes can be due to dilation of blood vessels orinflammation of the brain. Although not known for certain causes, generally this disease is aninherited disease.

What can be done is to try to prevent attacks of headaches and reduce pain when the attackoccurred. Sometimes the attacks are not onlyattacking one side of the head but to attack bothsides of the head.

Before the pulse strike the head, usually the patient will experience symptoms such as seeinga blinking light or commonly referred to as dizzy,seeing dark spots, wavy, saw the objectbecomes smaller, sensitive to the sight andsound or tingling in hands and feet. By emotion,a sign that can be experienced as anxiety, irritability, or stress. These symptoms are notalways sure because every migraine sufferer mayexperience symptoms differently.

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