Minggu, 17 April 2011

Want a Healthy Heart? Here recipe

Want to keep your heart healthy? Many things can be done to maintain heart health whatever your age. British Heart Foundation on its website providing useful tips for you.

Simply by exercising regularly, eating a healthy diet, encourage the children to live healthy and aware of the dangers of smoking, alcohol, high blood pressure and stress. Easy enough right?

In addition, according to health experts there are 10 important things to watch out for you who have a high risk of heart disease. In Nusaindah site mentioned a few important things to note:

1. Cholesterol levels should always be below 200 mg%
2. LDL try ​​always less than 150 mg%
3. Try triglyceride levels of less than 200 mg%
4. HDL try ​​always above 50 mg%
5. Fasting plasma glucose levels less than 120 mg%
6. Postprandial glucose levels 2 hours after meals does not exceed 160 mg%
7. Blood pressure should not exceed 140 mmHg for systolic and does not exceed 90 mmHg for diastole.
8. Do not smoke or environmental tobacco smoke.
9. Can control stress by either positive or stress.
10. Regular exercise, a gradual and measured, preferably the type Aerobics; respiratory gymnastics, sports games, etc..

And remember prevention is better than cure.

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