Selasa, 19 April 2011

When husbands are stressed, give emotional support and information.

Marriage is not merely filled pleasure. Assisting couples in a state of sweet, anyone willing and able. However, when a storm comes? This is where the persistence of a wife tested.A dangerous storm is now head of the household suffered a problem which makes the stress even depression. At that time the wife role and support is needed. 
According to Siti Qodariah, lecturer at the Faculty of Psychology Unisba, when someone is stressed, its ability to overcome the problem is reduced to need support from outside. Support can be given at least there are 3 types. 

Emotional support, in the form of encouragement, warmth, love, passion and acceptance. 
Support information, suggestions, advice or guidance. 
Instrumental support, in the form of practical assistance in addressing issues such as money or goods. 
Support companionship, in the form of activities together that are relaxing and recreational. 
Type of support provided depends on their needs, but can not be broken, everything is interrelated. For example, the husband wanted to discuss, the wife helps provide the information. Sometimes the support available can vary with the necessary support. A wife must pandai2 see whether they will support in accordance with the needs of her husband or not. For example, the husband wanted to own, do not be pushed to be served or observed continuously, instead it will be one communication. 

Support to protect the couple from the negative consequences of stressors (stress trigger), by pressing explain an incident that became less pressing. For example, the pair hit by layoffs, a grumpy, pacing the street, afraid to tell the wife, and became quiet. Once he told me, the wife can provide support by way of convincing my husband that the situation of layoffs that had been considered threatening, harmful, threatening dimaknakan be no, because there is a supportive wife, there are families who are ready to help, and so on. 

Stress can cause the sufferer marah2 unclear. In this condition, wait for her husband in a state of calm and do the communication that is essentially the wife expressed a willingness to help, open, accept, and appreciate that my husband would openly discuss the problem. Wives should not be part of stress, will add even worse. Qodariah suggested working wives today, have insight, so that education can help the husband find a solution. 

When a family member hit by the problem, teach the other members for care. This should be taught from childhood anak2. They can talk to, given the understanding of the condition his father. If conditions are severe stress, we can keep them away from his father, while. 

If the husband even though depressed can still live their lives, means that there can be overcome, there can be invited to discussions, to find a way out. But, if it is disturbing his life, was not able to take care of itself, can not be effective in solving the problem, it should be brought to the experts (psychologists / psychiatrists).

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